60 wallpapers in stile minimalista


Ecco una raccolta di 60 wallpapers minimalisti trovata su Hongkiat, alcuni dei quali dalla grafica discutibile e per i quali verrebbe da dire “questo lo sapevo fare anche io”, ma del resto l’arte del minimalismo è anche questo. Altri invece sono decisamente testabili, quindi il mio consiglio è quello di darci un’occhiata.

One Thing Minimal Wallpaper. Includes 1024×640 resolution. (by RMNMD)
One Thing Minimal Wallpaper by RMNMD

Wooden Noir Wallpaper Pack. Includes 17 resolutions from 640×480 to 2560×1600, including iPhone wallpapers. (by Shod4n)
Wooden Noir Wallpaper Pack by Shod4n

Cloud Minimal. Includes 1920×1200 resolution. (by Jan Krogh)
Cloud Minimal by Jan Krogh

Dust. (by Deus Nova)
Dust by Deus Nova

Attaaack. Includes 1680×1050 resolution. (by McLetDown)
Attaaack by McLetDown

My Favorite Book. Includes 6576×4192 resolution. (by Matt Lowden)
My Favorite Book by Matt Lowden

IANE. Includes 3 resolutions: 1280×800, 1680×1050, and 1920×1200. (by Imrik)
IANE by Imrik

Pure Wall. Includes 11 different resolutions with iPad and iPhone versions. (by Heskin Radiophonic)
Pure Wall by Heskin Radiophonic

Type Veteran. Includes 1920×1358 resolution. (by Radu Ceuca)
Type Veteran by Radu Ceuca

Calmness. Includes 6 different resolutions from 1920×1200 to 1280×800. (by Akmal Ibn Marmoh)
Calmness by Akmal Ibn Marmoh

InDaClub. Includes 2 resolutions 1900×1200 and 1680×1050, as well as a free 150×150 .PSD pattern. (by Fred Perry)
InDaClub by Fred Perry

Flower Creature. Includes 1680×1050 resolution. (by SilkyLauper)
Flower Creature by SilkyLauper

Plus. Includes 1920×1080 resolution. (by Adam Leung)
Plus by Adam Leung

Elegance. Includes 8 resolutions from 1280×800 to 1920×1200 with iPad and iPhone versions. (by Adrian)
Elegance by Adrian

Soccer Field. Includes 2560×1600 resolution. (by Sondre Stensbol)
Soccer Field by Sondre Stensbol

Also Calm. Includes 3 resolutions with widescreen, HTC Desire and iPhone versions. (by Mattias)
Also Calm by Mattias

Helvetica Wallpaper. Includes 1900×1200 resolution. (by Jeremy Paillotin)
Helvetica Wallpaper by Jeremy Paillotin

Bluri. Includes 14 resolutions with iPhone versions. (by Kris)
Bluri by Kris

Snacks. Includes 2560×1600 resolution. (by Jess Neil)
Snacks by Jess Neil

Peace of Mind Minimal Wallpaper. Includes 1024×640 resolution. (by RMNMD)
Peace of Mind Minimal Wallpaper by RMNMD

AMustacheMen. Includes 2560×1600 resolution. (by Jonathan Amoroso)
AMustacheMen by Jonathan Amoroso

The Egg Chair. Includes 1920×1200 resolution. (by David Vineis)
The Egg Chair by David Vineis

Way Far Out. Includes 2560×1600 resolution. (by Nikos Giannakopoulos)
Way Far Out by Nikos Giannakopoulos

Spark. Includes 1920×1200 resolution. (by Nabhan Abdullatif)
Spark by Nabhan Abdullatif

Gumy Bokeh. Includes 8 different resolutions with iPhone versions. (by Philip Illgen)
Gumy Bokeh by Philip Illgen

Pacmate. Includes 2560×1600 resolution. (by Yegor)
Pacmate by Yegor

Coco. Includes 1920×1200 resolution. (by Michelle Jinx)
Coco by Michelle Jinx

Charlies Shirt. Includes 2560×1600 resolution. (by Rodrigo Muniz)
Charlies Shirt by Rodrigo Muniz

Precise. Includes 2 resolutions 1920×1200 and 1920×1080. (by Manav Bahl)
Precise by Manav Bahl

Ace Spades. Includes 2560×1600 resolution. (by Michael Burrows)
Ace Spades by Michael Burrows

My Screen is Clean. Includes 2560×1600 and 1920×1200 resolutions with 6 colors. (by Matan B)
My Screen is Clean by Matan B

Follow The Leader. Includes 2048×1536 resolution. (by Jorge de la Mata)
Follow The Leader by Jorge de la Mata

You Cannot Pass. Includes 1024×768 resolution. (by Sebastian)
You Cannot Pass by Sebastian

Be A Rebel. Includes 1024×768 resolution. (by Sam)
Be A Rebel by Sam

The Best Ideas. Includes 3 resolutions 1920×1080, 1680×1050, and 1440×900. (by Shahrukh)
The Best Ideas by Shahrukh

Wallpaper Focus White. Includes 1680×1050 resolution. (by Kasukedo Gonpori)
Wallpaper Focus White by Kasukedo Gonpori

Grapefruit. Includes 2560×1600 resolution. (by Jeremy Sallee)
Grapefruit by Jeremy Sallee

Web 2.0. Includes 2 resolutions 1920×1200 with the iPhone version. (by David B.)
Web 2.0 by David B.

Design Is…. Includes 1920×1200 resolution. (by Goergen)
Design Is by Goergen

He’s A Pixel. Includes 1280×1024 resolution. (by Vladislav Perge)
He's A Pixel by Vladislav Perge

I Love Minimalism Wallpaper. Includes 1680×1050 resolution. (by Chris)
I Love Minimalism Wallpaper by Chris

Minimal Joker. Includes 1600×1200 resolution. (by Andre Garrido)
Minimal Joker by Andre Garrido

Hot Vs. Cold. Includes 4 different resolutions with an iPhone version. (by Umar Irshad)
Hot Vs. Cold by Umar Irshad

Vivid 2. Includes 9 different resolutions. (by Alex L.)
Vivid 2 by Alex L.

Naer Wallpaper. Includes 5 different resolutions. (by Gravideo Interactive)
Naer Wallpaper by Gravideo Interactive

Plastic Exploding Circle 01. Includes 1440×900 resolution. (by Graphic Nothing)
Plastic Exploding Circle 01 by Graphic Nothing

Big Idea. Includes 11 different resolutions with iPhone version. (by Big-SB)
Big Idea by Big-SB

iGalax. Includes 3 different resolutions. (by JackieTran)
iGalax by JackieTran

Helvetica Grunge. Includes 1920×1200 resolution. (by Oliver Wilke)
Helvetica Grunge by Oliver Wilke

Loading Wallpaper. Includes many resolutions with 7 different colors. (by Umar Irshad)
Loading Wallpaper by Umar Irshad

On A Clean Slate. Includes 4 different resolution. (by Krisha)
On A Clean Slate by Krisha

Link It Up. Includes 2560×1600 resolution. (by Justin Page)
Link It Up by Justin Page

My Desktop Is Simple. Includes 1600×1200 resolution. (by CajeFM)
My Desktop Is Simple by CajeFM

Lightbox Love. Includes 2560×1600 resolutions. (by Rohan Nanavati)
Lightbox Love by Rohan Nanavati

Bear Wallpaper. Includes 8 different resolutions with iPhone version. (by Michelle Jinx)
Bear Wallpaper by Michelle Jinx

Once You Pop. Includes 2560×1600 resolutions. (by TruminHaus)
Once You Pop by Trumin Haus

1972. Includes many different resolutions with iPhone version. (by Nikola Lazarevic)
1972 by Nikola Lazarevic

Lemonade Was Popular. Includes 2560×1600 resolution. (by Scott Tolinski)
Lemonade Was Popular by Scott Tolinski

Hatch. Includes 2560×1600 resolution. (by Daniel Pessoa DamnOmatic)
Hatch by Daniel Pessoa

Sleepy Jean. Includes 2560×1600 resolution. (by Somalia Jamall)
Sleepy Jean by Somalia Jamall

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